Blog Archives

Two-dimensional spatial hashing with space-filling curves

The Hilbert curve is a fractal space-filling curve that is rather pretty to look at. A Hilbert curve of order n traces a single path over a square of side 2^n units, as you can see in the images from
Posted in haskell, software

Haskell: bootstrapping into a clue about monads

As part of my remedial Haskell learning process, I’ve been getting my feet wet once more with monads. Here are a few notes on the techniques that I’ve tried, and how I’ve fared with them. Not surprisingly, my first step
Posted in haskell

Getting started with installing third-party Haskell packages

Since I’ve been away from the Haskell world for a long time, it’s been interesting to return and observe some surprises about the practical side of working with the language. For me, an early gotcha has been the relative paucity
Posted in haskell, linux

The shock of the forgotten

I’ve lately become interested in the Haskell programming language again, after a long time (eleven years!) away from the fold. During the process of thrashing about and trying to find my footing, I discovered a new module, named Data.ByteString, which
Posted in haskell, slice-o-life