Blog Archives

Must-see Haskell talks at OSCON ’07

Simon Peyton Jones will be giving two Haskell-related talks at OSCON in July! As far as I know, this will be the first time that Haskell gets an airing at a general-interest conference. Simon is a fantastic speaker, so if
Posted in haskell and Google’s Summer of Code

This year, the community has had nine projects funded by Google, out of 64 student applications. We had mentoring capacity for over 20 projects, so the final number was decided by Google, not by our ability to deal with
Posted in haskell

Who says there’s nothing to numerology?

From diffbavis on #haskell: > sum (map ord “al gore”) 666
Posted in haskell

A Haskell regular expression tutorial

Someone showed up on #haskell yesterday, asking how to use regular expressions. This isn’t a completely straightforward question to answer. While Haskell’s regexp libraries provide the same functionality you’ll find in Perl, Python, and Java, they provide a rich and
Posted in haskell

Haskell Cabal, now with extra crunchy RPM goodness

The Haskell community has a very nice implementation-independent mechanism for building libraries and applications, called Cabal. I spent a few hours over the past couple of days hacking on Cabal to add the ability to build RPM packages. You can
Posted in haskell

Parsing a simple config file in Haskell

Even though I wrote my Haskell blog helper tool purely for my own use, I don’t want to store hard-coded strings in it, lest my username and password escape into the wild. This suggests that I need a small config
Posted in haskell, web

Blogging with Emacs and Haskell, part Zero

Since I started using WordPress to host my blog, I’ve generally been fairly pleased with it. Its killer feature has to be Akismet, the built-in spam filter. Akismet has so far killed over 18,000 spam comments for me, or roughly
Posted in haskell, web

Beautiful graphics manipulation (in Haskell, artistic flair required)

During my evening’s Haskell-related Googling, I came across a piece of software called Pancito, written by Andrew Cooke. Pancito is a Haskell package for manipulating images, and Andrew has a beautiful gallery of some of the work he’s done with
Posted in haskell, open source

Playing fast and loose with Parsec for parsing in Haskell

For the past number of years, whenever I’ve needed to write a parser for a language, I’ve turned to Terence Parr’s ANTLR. It’s a wonderful piece of software, far more capable than the old standbys lex and yacc. Just as
Posted in haskell

New Haskell packages for Fedora Extras

Rather than bemoan the state of prepackaged Haskell goodness for Fedora, I’ve started down the path of doing something about it. This morning, I put together new packages for Alex, a Haskell lexer, and Happy, a parser generator, and submitted
Posted in haskell