Thanks to the tireless work of Malcolm Wallace, all of the video from CUFP now appears to be up up Vimeo, including the keynote talk I gave.
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Nicely done, but sadly, I’m not going to get very trying to teach people how to write high-performance embedded software in $FUNLANG until someone hires me away from my current employers to do that.
As someone who is learning Haskell I think the ideas expressed in your talk are spot on. I would also like to say that I have yet to find a community that I like as much as the haskell community ( #haskell ). Its a direct result of the folks who are looked to as leaders and their attitudes. Kudos to you.
As a ruby programmer, please, whatever you do, don’t loose the humility and the willingness to embrace the new folks, its worth more than you can know.
Train yourself to a superior physique, like dons, with Haskell programming. In only 5-15 minutes a day you can be ripped like dons. Immerse yourself in various type system battles that will leave you looking muscled like never before!
Thanks for posting this. Great keynote. Now off to write a blog post!
I have to say, Brian’s observations about unstructured immersion apply to my study of Haskell as well — and this contributed to my
relative inefficacy as a Haskell teacher at Noisebridge earlier this year.
I do have one student who’s stuck with it — or at least returned to it intermittently — but everyone else has gone back to Python or whatever else they thought was cool. One developer is, ironically, trying to come up with ways to annotate C++ for FP; it is a project of mine to convince him that really, honestly, he is not alone in desiring a performant yet safe language for multi-core concurrency.