Twitter has become quite the hotbed of chatter about functional programming over the past few months, as a substantial number of pretty well known FP people have either been present all along or have signed up recently and started following each other.
Here is a list of people I know about who tweet about FP on a semi-regular basis, along with what I think are their main interests. If you want to see the list extended or modified, let me know.
Bryan O’Sullivan (bos31337) – Haskell
Chris Smith (aChrisSmith) – F#
Alex Payne (al3x) – Scala
Brandon Allberry (allberry_b) – Haskell
alpheccar – Haskell
Andre Pang (andrepang) – Erlang
Arnar Birgisson (arnarbi) – Haskell
Brad Anderson (boorad) – Erlang
Chris Eidhof (chriseidhof) – Haskell
Conal Elliott (conal) – Haskell
Conrad Parker (conradparker) – Haskell
Dean Wampler (deanwampler) – Scala
Don Stewart (donsbot) – Haskell
Dave Pollak (dpp) – Scala
David MacIver (DRMacIver) – Scala
Eelco Lempsink (eeclo) – Haskell
Bob Ippolito (etrepum) – Erlang
Galois, Inc. (galoisinc) – Haskell
Jake McArthur (geezusfreeek) – Haskell
Pepe Iborra (hate_pick_pick) – Haskell
John Goerzen (jgoerzen) – Haskell
John Kalucki (jkalucki) – Scala
Eugene Kirpichov (jkff) – Haskell
Jorge Ortiz (jorgeortiz85) – Scala
Joseph Holsten (josephholsten) – FP
Justin Sheehy (justinsheehy) – Erlang
Kazuya Sakakihara (kazooya) – Haskell
Kevin Smith (kevsmith) – Erlang
Dave Fayram (kirindave) – Erlang
Edward Kmett (kmett) – Haskell
Kevin Scaldeferri (kscaldef) – Erlang
Matthew Podwysocki (mattpodwysocki) – F#, Haskell
Mark Reid (mdreid) – Haskell
Mickaël Rémond (mickael) – Erlang
Andy Adams-Moran (morabbin) – Haskell
Neil Bartlett (njbartlett) – Haskell
Nick Gerakines (ngerakines) – Erlang
Paul Brown (paulrbrown) – Haskell
Paul Snively (psnively) – OCaml
Rusty Klophaus (rklophaus) – Erlang
Robey Pointer (robey) – Scala
Shae Erisson (shapr) – Haskell
Sigbjorn Finne (sigbjorn_finne) – Haskell
Dan Piponi (sigfpe) – Haskell
Spencer Janssen (spencerjanssen) – Haskell
Steve Jenson (jenson) – Scala
Isaac Jones (SyntaxPolice) – Haskell
Manuel Chakravarty (TacticalGrace) – Haskell
Tom Moertel (tmoertel) – Haskell
Thomas Sutton (thsutton) – Haskell
Joel Reymont (wagerlabs) – Erlang
Creighton Hogg (wchogg) – Haskell
Joe Williams (williamsjoe) – Erlang
Yariv Sadan (yarivs) – Erlang
Ahem, Shae *Erisson* – Last name is “son of Eris”
How embarrassing, given that I have a name that people often misspell. Sorry, Shae!
You can add me to the list Paul Brown (paulrbrown), although I give equal time to impure pursuits.
Several of us who work at Twitter are functional programmers, actually. You’ve got Steve Jenson on your list, but you got his username wrong
Steve Jenson (stevej) – Scala, Erlang, Haskell, many others
Robey Pointer (robey) – Scala
Alex Payne (al3x) – Scala
John Kalucki (jkalucki) – Scala
Scala isn’t the purest functional language, of course, but since you’ve got other Scala folks on the list:
Dave Pollak (dpp) – Scala
Jorge Ortiz (jorgeortiz85) – Scala
Thanks for putting together this list!
No OCaml-ists?
I’m a functional programmer (erlang) and I am on Twitter (kirindave).
Thanks all, updated.
You can add me to your Scala gang: deanwampler
Ack. I’ve been kicked clear out of #haskell and turned into a Scala person. I didn’t realize that my penchant for verbosity was that obvious. 😉
Edward, oops!
I’m on twitter as morabbin (Haskeller, Galois co-founder).
Thanks, Andy.
I’m the fool who writes functionally in mainstream languages. That means no tail recursion (barring evil gotos)! Someday I’ll finally learn haskell, but writing scheme in 48 hours takes longer than I thought.
Don’t forget Joel Reymont. He runs a new Erlang Journal and wrote OpenPoker in Erlang. His twitter account is wagerlabs.
Brad Anderson (boorad) – Erlang
Couple more 😉
Kevin Smith – kevsmith – Erlang
Nick Gerakines – ngerakines – Erlang
i post about erlang a bit:
Joe Williams (williamsjoe)
Thanks, all. Updated again!
i mostly post about erlang, mind adjusting mine? (williamsjoe)
For what it’s worth, I’m an erlang hack, but huge supporter and advocate!
PS: @roder on twitter
I’m jkff and if I posted anything on my twitter about FP, then it would be about Haskell,Coq or probably Erlang
As of now, I hadn’t yet (and as of now, all 6 of my tweets are in Russian), but the fact that I abandoned twitter was primarily motivated by lack of people to follow and, thus, lack of reason to do anything there. So include me 
I’m maybe not much of a Haskeller, but I’m a try-hard.
You misspelled my handle (geezusfreeek). Common mistake. 😉 Thanks for the list. I will be sure to follow basically everybody on it.
Oh, and you also misspelled my last name. Also a common mistake.
Rusty Klophaus (rklophaus) – Erlang
Here are a few Erlang/FP folks that I follow.
mickael / Mickaël Rémond
dreid / David Reid
B3d0u1n / Mark Zweifel
JonGretar / Jon Gretar
lenn0x / Chris Goffinet
jacobvorreuter / Jacob Vorreuter
yarivs / Yariv Sadan
Thanks, all! I have embiggened the list again.
try me too. I talk about it.
“Joseph Olsten” should be “Joseph Holsten”
Hey Bryan, could you please add me? My username is psnively, and I mostly yak about OCaml and Coq, but with some Scala from time to time.
Yeah, as Nick mentioned, add me as well. I am doing lot’s of Erlang over at Yahoo!
I’ve been bitten by the F# bug as of late and have helped start a book club for it as well (along with a mate of mine who came up with the idea, Chris Bilson). We’ve even had an author of one of the few F# books join our book club.
Our twitter usernames are
Justin Bozonier: darkxanthos
Chris Bilson: cbilson
Our book club is on google groups @
jaked1, OCaml!
I’m also a functional programmer on Twitter (npouillard), I’m programming in Haskell and OCaml.
A lot of my Twitter attention is on functional programming. I am Tracy Harms, ‘kaleidic’. My focus is on Iverson’s J programming language ( but I am interested in functional/function-level topics in a language independent way. I’m also putting a toe in the water of several other languages.
I (black_meph) almost never Tweet about Haskell, but now and then, I do.